Waste Disposal

Communities are responsible for waste disposal. For this reason communtities have their own regulations. Separating waste is important and there are special collection stations for doing so.

Separating Waste / Recycling

Separating waste helps protect the environment and saves money. Reusable waste or waste that is harmful to the environment can be disposed of in special collecting points or at collection stations (paper, batteries, glass, cardboard, compost, aluminium, metall, textiles, oil, etc.). Such waste does not belong in the household rubbish. Every community has its own waste collection schedule (Entsorgungsplan) or rubbish collection calendar (Abfallkalender) which one receives upon moving to a community. Burning waste or dumping it in places that are not designated as collection stations is prohibited. Plastic bottles (PET-Flaschen) and other packaging can be returned to most points of sale.

Rubbish Bags / Rubbish Stickers

Rubbish which is not reusable (household rubbish) must be disposed of in official rubbish bags or in bags with rubbish stickers. The price of the bag or sticker includes the disposal fee. Every community has their own bags or stickers which can be purchased, for example, in shopping centres or shops in the community, or from the community administration. On designated days the rubbish bags must be placed on the side of the street (in rare cases there is another collection point). Depositing rubbish on other days is prohibited. Some apartment buildings have rubbish containers. The community of residence or neighbours will answer additional questions.

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste (Sonderabfälle) must be disposed of seperately. It may contain poisonous substances or damage the environment. Hazardous waste includes, for example, paint, chemicals, batteries, electronics, energy-saving lamps, or expired medicine. Under no circumstances does hazardous waste belong in the household rubbish. Usually, it can be returned to the point of sale. Manufacturers and retailers are obligated to accept these waste products free of charge.